Thursday, May 23, 2013


We've established a few things about myself. No need to name them all of them(blogging makes me feel egomaniacal enough we don't need to point that bit out); you should know that I'm not great at documentation or proof reading. This is the most I've done for any project. I don't like people around the old creative process unless I'm telling them what to do and I trust them to do it (see what I was saying). I've just been let down too many times. It was nice to work alone until it was my time and scheduling that became the issue...

 Day one at la casa de mi madre. I clear the land. There's more cleared land around it you're just not allowed to see. I'm kidding you'll see it later. Stop being greedy.

 The material gathered from the land. Part of it anyway.

 The base... from the land! Held together with stuff from the old garage.

 I affix the sticks.

 It has a skeleton held together by bits of string.

 Assembly! I wish I had a montage for you but I don't. As you can it's about nine feet tall.

 It developed a twist.

 I thought it was finished here.

 Then I thought: what if it looked as though it's really coming from the land? Great, more work. It's already a late project might as well turn a ridiculous amount of time into an absurd amount.

I then slayed the brambles at the base and laid them as if they were pouring forth into the obelisk.

There you have it. Why was it shot facing this direction? I pulled an Akira Kurosawa on this one: there's a big blue house behind me. It looks best here, trust me.

 Attempted artistic photography with my phone.

 Again, attempted artistry.

 Full glory.

 See, I told you there was other stuff you didn't want to see. Those are my yearling trees and I love them.

This is as site related as I could think of. It's a good thing no one lets me design monuments.

I noticed this too.

There you have it. If you're not my professor: why are you still reading this? If you are: I'm sorry I never update this thing, Tyler.

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